
© Louis Felder

(Comedy, a one-act play)
A wealthy New Yorker has a young wife from Arizona who has theatrical dreams and no talent.

Two characters, one set, present time

Austin Hillsborough, 40-50, is a wealthy socially prominent New York attorney who lives in the Trump Tower and has everything, including a spirited and independent young wife, CAMILLE. He graduated from an Ivy League prep school and university.
Camille, 27, was born and bred in Tucson, Arizona, very good-looking probably with red hair, an aspiring but untalented actress with a burning passion for the theater. As a kid, she studied ballet, tap, baton, and her mother made her costumes.


A comedy. It’s Christmas Day and Austin urges Camille to dress for his mother’s traditional dinner. But Camille and his mother hate each other. She pleads with him to go without her but Austin is firm, and besides it might be fun because this year there will be music for some investors. A backer’s audition? He’s financing a new show? Camille is excited and plans a surprise to show off her talent.

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